Alliance Tutoring Plus



Some students have all the life skills in place and need only elite academic support with an eye on getting into a highly competitive American institution and thriving there. Our tutors have advanced degrees from Ivy League Schools or schools that are comparable, and have extensive experience teaching the most advanced students, expert educators in their respective fields of study. In assisting students with course work or test preparation, they can give students the extra boost they need to take their academics to the next level. If a promising young student aspires to matriculate to and thrive in one of these highly competitive schools, our tutors may be the key to unlocking that dream. Alliance Tutors can provide …

Advance Course Guidance

The tutors will provide course guidance for even the most challenging course loads. The have the expertise to facilitate the student solving complex academic challenges, ultimately providing the tools to achieve the excellent grades necessary to admittance to his or her dream school.

Standardized Testing Assistance

The tutors will assist the student in the entire standardized testing process, from general approaches to test performance, to specialized academic material, to strategies to “crack” the SSAT, SAT, ACT, GRE, AP and other associated testing. We’ve never failed to dramatically improve a score, even after just one session.

Liaison & Preparation Services

Our tutors work with teachers and schools to discover the best ways to achieve in a given class, communicating strategically to obtain the necessary success. Any preparation work is included as part of the package.
*Generous scholarships available on sliding scale based on demonstrated need.

ADD/ADHD Statistics

0 %
of children receive school support and or help in the classroom
0 %
of students take ADHD medication
0 %
of children with ADHD had a behavior or conduct problem
0 %
of children with ADHD had anxiety
0 %
average of age of diagnosis
0 %
increase in ADHD diagnoses in the last 8 years

When you sign up with Alliance Plus, you don’t just get a tutor. You get a mentor, an expert, a guide, and a brother or a sister.

You get family.