In the ever-evolving landscape of education and personal development, parents of teenagers find themselves searching for effective strategies to enhance their children’s concentration and focus. With distractions like social media, video games, and peer interactions more accessible than ever, maintaining...
Navigating the dynamic and often challenging world of high school can be a roller coaster ride for students. From academic pressures brought about by rigorous coursework to the social challenges of teenage life and the uncertainties of the future, high...
Senior spring at the Taft School was a complete joke. I mean, it was a complete joke everywhere, but at Taft, by embracing a complete joke, they… squared it. The seniors barely ever went to class and instead spent most...
I was cursed with a quick wit and curiosity for all subjects of learning and extracurriculars. I loved math but did it sloppily and thus missed occasional minus sign that blew up the whole equation. Science was awesome, but my...
“Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it” –Mahatma Ghandi I’ve been studying English literature all my life but shamefully, I’ve never really understood James Joyce. If you’ve ever opened the tome, Ulysses, it’s...
When she walked into our Greenwich branch office in The Anxiety Institute, I couldn’t quite figure out why she was there at all. She was energetic, very clever, and seemed to be quite social. She always wore bright-colored yoga pants...